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“Good positions don’t win games, good moves do”       

                       Gerald Abrahams

By talking with you, by listening to you, understanding  your perspective and working with you...
 ....realistic goals are made and together we work through therapy, a process to ultimately help you to help yourself.

As your therapist, how can I help you? 


Everything will be clearly explained to you  and any questions you have answered. It can be daunting not only taking the first step in contacting a therapist, but then actually voicing the issues causing the distress or discomfort or even embarrassment!

Please be confident there is no judgement, no right or wrong problem.......if it's a problem to you, it's a problem full stop! 

If it's negatively affecting your daily life, work or
relationships and you need support...please just ask! 


Is CBT for me?


Your Privat CBT therapist



It's important you understand my background, training, qualifications and

ongoing supervision and development for your peace of mind!


professional and experienced therapist with long psychiatric experience in ward and community support
Professional body for registering your professional certificate of CBT

My background is a long career in Psychiatry which I've thoroughly enjoyed!

As a Registered Mental Nurse (RMN) I've worked in many areas and specialities of psychiatric health both in wards and in the Community setting. 

Having always had an interest in psychological health, I studied to become an Accredited Therapist in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. achieving my Post  Graduate Diploma at the UWS (University of the West Coast of Scotland), which is where I also acheived my Post Graduate Certificate in Drugs and Alcohol.

Working privately in CBT has allowed me to work in a way tailored specifically to individual needs, where my clients have my full attention in the knowledge they have a professional and experienced therapist working with them.

The feedback I've received has been really positive and has been a huge source of encouragement to me. I personally believe in the principals of this talking therapy having seen first hand time and again how helpful and resourceful it has been for so many!

BABCP to register with
Professional Standards body

The British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP) is the lead organisation for Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies in the UK.

Accreditation means that as a CBT therapist I have my core profession as a qualified and registered mental health professional and specific CBT training and qualification at Post Graduate Diploma level.


 This tried and tested CBT format  has an extensive evidence base to show just how effective it is! Countless people have used CBT with significant improvements in their daily life.

Research has shown CBT to be highly effective and is the treatment of choice for a number of mental health issues as indicated in the government backed NICE clinical guidelines:

"It’s your road, and yours alone, others may walk it with you,
but no one can walk it for you"           

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